PeriLip  -  EU supported Integrated Project (QLK1-2001-00138)  -  03/05/2024
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Responsible persons in accordance to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV

(German interstate agreement on media services):


Dr. Hans Demmelmair

Veronika Dietz, Dipl. Oectroph.

Julia von Rosen, MPH


Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital


Lindwurmstr. 4

D-80337 München



Phone: +49-(0)89-5160 2816

Fax: +49-(0)89-5160 3487





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External Links:

The regional court of Hamburg (Germany) ruled on 12 May 1998, that by including a link on ones page, one may also be accountable for the content included there. According to the regional court, accepting this accountability can only be ruled out by explicitly disassociating oneself from this content.

The following applies for all external links: We state explicitly that we have no influence on the content of the pages linked. This statement applies to all external links displayed on this website.



Webdesign and TYPO3 Content Management System:

 MUC-CMS Internet-Agentur München: TYPO3, SEO (Suchmaschinenoptimierung), Webdesign


 TYPO3 München, SEO München: Agentur MUC-CMS